Bias waist seam finish

Cut away as many as possible threads and fray away. Open the bias and pin together with the top of the skirt. Pin the bias together at the right size. Sew the bias together. Cut of the exces bias. Sew the bias together with the top skirt. Fold the bias over and pin around Sew […]
How to make flutters

Put the flutters on top of each other right sides together and sew the top Cut the seam allowance of and cut the round with pinking shears, this wil make the rounder more smooth. Turn the flutters inside out and sew along the bottom edge with the widest sew settings. Make sure you do not tie […]
How to add the yoga waist to Lana harem

To add a yoga waistband to the Lana Harem pants, follow this tutorial. Cut the waist according to the following sizes. lenght height 10 y 54 cm 14 cm 9 y 53 cm 14 cm 8 y 52 cm 14 cm 7 y 51 cm 15 cm 6 y 49,5 cm 15 cm 5 […]
Natural dye fabrics – cold dyeing technique

Hi everyone and welcome to my site, i am gonna make a series of blog post about natural dying. I am not sure yet how much there will because my head is so full of ideas. But i will try to add one every week. Dyeing techniques At first we are gonna discuss the different […]